A Blended-Learning Activities Proposal for Learning English in a BA

MA Thesis Research Design


  • Hugo Mayo Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros “Ignacio Manuel Altamirano”
  • María Castillo Centro de Idiomas Extranjeros “Ignacio Manuel Altamirano”

Palabras clave:

Research design, blended-learning activities, online teaching and learning, curriculum design, learner’s autonomy


This article presents the design of an MA thesis which has the main objective to suggest some language teaching activities in the blended learning modality. The activities correspond to an Intermediate English course in a BA program in language teaching in a private institution in the south of Mexico. The research approach for this study is qualitative, since it explored the participants’ opinions and perceptions about the suggested LT activities. The research method was action research since the activities proposed were implemented, evaluated and then redesigned and administered again (if necessary). It is important to mention that this is the presentation of the research design, and the main findings will be published in a future article. However, it can be said that online teaching and learning through blended learning activities can enhance the development of language skills in the English course at the BA program where it was administered.


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Cómo citar

Mayo, H., & Castillo, M. (2019). A Blended-Learning Activities Proposal for Learning English in a BA: MA Thesis Research Design. CIEX JOURNAL, 1(9), 27–31. Recuperado a partir de https://journal.ciex.edu.mx/index.php/cJ/article/view/91




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