CIEX JOURNAL <p>CIEX Journal is an academic and research magazine printed in Chilpancingo, the capital city of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. The idea of publishing this Journal, emerged as a response to the effort made by professors, students and authorities who are always in search of innovative teaching methodologies, techniques and strategies, and who have produced studies related to the areas of language teaching and applied linguistics.</p> CIEX S.C. en-US CIEX JOURNAL 2395-9509 La Evolución de la Enseñanza de Idiomas a través de la Integración Tecnológica <p>La integración de la tecnología en la enseñanza de idiomas ha transformado el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, ofreciendo a docentes y estudiantes herramientas que mejoran y personalizan este proceso. Este ensayo analiza cómo la tecnología ha optimizado la enseñanza, destacando los beneficios de plataformas interactivas y recursos digitales, como redes sociales y videojuegos, que favorecen la autonomía y el aprendizaje activo. Sin embargo, se resalta que el rol del docente sigue siendo esencial, ya que la tecnología debe estar respaldada por enfoques metodológicos adecuados. También se abordan los desafíos, como la brecha digital, que limita el acceso equitativo a estos recursos. En conclusión, la tecnología en la enseñanza de idiomas ofrece grandes oportunidades para el futuro, siempre que se utilice de manera equilibrada y consciente.</p> Erendira Rios Villanueva Gerardo Heredia Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 93 95 Beyond Grammar <p>Communicating meaning doesn’t flow naturally from practicing grammar and doing drills in a lesson. Developing the ability to communicate meaning flows naturally from practice with having a need or reason to produce language in a meaningful context. In this session, we will look at the four key ingredients to second language acquisition and show how and why tasks should be at the core of our teaching.</p> Leo Gomez Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 99 99 Inteligencia Artificial en el Aula <p>La presente investigación explora el uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) para el aprendizaje y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Se basa en un estudio realizado a estudiantes de lenguas, donde se analizó la frecuencia de uso de la IA en su vida cotidiana y académica, las lenguas que estudian y los beneficios que perciben en su uso para el aprendizaje de lenguas. Del análisis de datos se realizó una lista de beneficios y retos al utilizar la IA en el área. También se brinda una lista de inteligencias artificiales que pueden ser utilizadas dentro y fuera del aula.</p> Jesús Martínez Myriam J. Ramírez Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 101 102 Promoting Cultural Imperialism or a Valuable Resource? <p>English as a global language has produced diverse materials to meet English language learner needs. In particular, textbooks have often been central to this learning process. Research on ELT textbook use has focused on the teacher’s role in textbook selection, neoliberal content, and the broader issues of cultural and linguistic imperialism in their production. This presentation aims to present and critique these issues within a global context. Some suggestions will be offered to mitigate these issues and provide a coherent curriculum that respects ELLs’ cultural and linguistic needs in a localized context.</p> Patrick Coleman Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 103 104 The Integration of EdTech Apps for Language Teaching <p>The rapid evolution of technologies shows us the importance of being aligned with them to be updated and be involved in the practical digital tools that technology offers us, where, in most cases, technology is used in every language class. Furthermore, teachers can implement classroom activities using educational technology apps as a complementary tool, which improves language learning.<br>This workshop will explore how educational technology applications can enrich language teaching by allowing students to explore new ways of learning entertainingly through gamification, online assignments rich in multimedia, and live interactive tasks. These consequently attract their attention and improve their language performance in developing reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills.</p> Miguel A. Parra Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 105 106 Diálogos con “El Buen Lobito” una Manera Alternativa de Promover Valores <p>Los diálogos con “El Buen Lobito” una estrategia alternative para la promoción de los valores en el aula.<br>Se parte de la información del personaje que es un pequeño lobo que vive cerca de los humanos y no entiende las frases o sentencias que usan para ejemplificar la moral o la ética. La actividad consiste en proponer una frase, por el instructor o un estudiante, cada participante realizará una Interpretación y la expone al grupo, asimismo se ilustra al Lobito y se presenta.<br>Es una forma de reflexionar sobre los valores de manera individual y grupal para internalizarlos. Asimismo, se puede evaluar la forma de argumentar, la redacción y la ortografía.</p> Lillian Ruiz Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 107 108 The Use of Technology with Activities to Promote English Learning in Elementary Education <p>This research seeks to demonstrate how the application of technology with activities enhances students' English learning by developing the four main macro skills. This investigation was conducted at a public elementary school in Chilpancingo de los Bravo, Guerrero, Mexico. The study was performed through a qualitative approach and action research method, which included the teacher-researcher and sixth-grade students as participants. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews, teaching narrative, observation, and questionnaire with the help of didactic treatments to analyze the integration of Edtech apps to implement teaching activities and enhance the target language learning. The results indicated how the use of Edtech apps and digital tools provided students the opportunity to explore new ways of learning entertainingly through gamification, online assignments rich in multimedia, and live interactive tasks, which consequently attracted their attention and improved their language performance in developing reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills.</p> Miguel Ángel Parra Linares Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 9 20 YouTube as a Self-Directed Digital Learning Tool <p>Although video-sharing platforms are becoming increasingly relevant in language learning contexts, there is a considerable gap in knowledge on their use in self-directed language learning during school closures at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic before classes resumed online. The findings presented here are based on a broader qualitative study involving adult multilingual learners enrolled in a non-profit ESL program. Six learners participated in semi-structured interviews through Zoom which employed open-ended questions aimed at identifying trends in students’ digital practices which may have resulted in explicit or implicit language learning. YouTube was found to be the most widely used application among those interviewed, involving implicit and explicit learning activities across all four language skills. The findings of this study support the relevance of video-based&nbsp; activities in formal and informal language learning, and may be relevant to further research on the importance of students’ engagement with culturally and personally relevant content.</p> Paula Canales Sidury Christiansen Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 21 45 Pre-service Teachers Perspectives on Game-Based Activities for Enhancing EFL Learning <p>The present research aims to explore the impact of game-based activities on pre-service EFL teachers’ perspectives during their English language learning journey. It employed a qualitative approach to research and was based on the case of seven pre-service EFL teachers who attained an interest in learning English and reached an upper-intermediate language level before finishing their university studies. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data from the participants. Subsequently, the method used to analyze the data was Grounded Theory to interpret, compare, and report the findings. Results revealed that the implementation of game-based activities could help pre-service EFL teachers to improve their language skills as it could allow them to develop more interactions with others.</p> Cliserio Antonio Cruz Martínez Esteban Juan Bautista Zárate Mejía Baruc Betancourt Ruiz Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 35 46 AI and Play-Based Learning in Early English Education <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study explores the integration of artificial intelligence and play-based learning to enhance the motivation and vocabulary retention of young children learning English as a second language. Conducted under the Delfin program across early childhood education centers in Colima, Mexico, and Villavicencio, Colombia, this research aims to identify effective AI techniques and game elements that foster language acquisition among three- and four-year-old children. The study uses, an AI-powered educational tool, to provide personalized lessons and interactive activities designed to engage and support young learners. This report presents findings from the Colima case, as the study of Villavicencio will occur once the researcher returns to Colombia. The research highlights the potential of AI and game-based learning to transform early childhood education. The findings underscore the importance of innovative educational technologies in creating engaging, adaptive, and effective learning environments, paving the way for future advancements in language education for young children&nbsp;</span></p> Joinner Alexander Rodíguez Delgado Pedro José Mayoral Valdivia Carlos Enrique Hoyos Díez Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 47 55 - Uso de Organizadores Gráficos para Desarrollar la Competencia Oral en Ambientes Virtuales <p>En el contexto mexicano, la producción oral en inglés evidencia niveles bajos de proficiencia y el contexto de esta investigación no es la excepción. Por ello, es importante realizar innovaciones para su desarrollo. En este sentido, los organizadores gráficos se presentan como herramientas clave para la integración de habilidades de comunicación. El objetivo de investigación es describir las percepciones de los alumnos sobre los mapas mentales y conceptuales para desarrollar la competencia oral. La metodología fue cuantitativa descriptiva transversal, utilizando un cuestionario para recolectar los datos en una muestra de 60 estudiantes de una universidad pública de Puebla. Los resultados indican que los organizadores gráficos promueven la competencia oral fluida, caracterizándolos como medios para recopilar información mediante relaciones semánticas secuenciales a partir de conceptos clave, posibilitando la metacognición y autoevaluación de la comprensión. En conclusión, se debe integrar estas herramientas en las competencias comunicativas para promover un aprendizaje deseable.</p> Norma Flores-González Sandra Juárez Pacheco Mónica Zamora Hernández Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 57 70 Researching University Students’ Perceptions about How Digital Tools Help Them Achieve Holistic Comprehension of English Academic Texts <p>Reading is a relevant and complex skill used by students to achieve their academic, research and professional goals. The main research objective of this study is to explore the perceptions of university students using digital tools (DT) to comprehend English texts, overall, when they take online classes. The participants study in different BA programs and hold basic or intermediate English level. They are 15 students; some of them are in the process of graduating. Some studies claim that University students prefer to read more on their devices, such as laptops, tablets or mobile phone, and it will make them more autonomous. This research uses the Observation Method; therefore, it is grounded on observed experiences during face-to-face or online classes, which allows one to have some perceptions about the phenomenon. The results reveal that education is going towards a digitalized environment where both, students and teachers need to improve online teaching.</p> Laura Josefina Amaro Villanueva Eliphelet Rivera Cuayahuitl María del Carmen Castillio Salazar Copyright (c) 2024 CIEX JOURNAL 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 19 71 90