

This call is addressed to: Professors – Researchers, graduate students from any Bachelor of Arts in English Letters and Masters in Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics programs, and any researchers and scholars who wish to publish research articles, research essays, or thesis results, all related to topics of the Journal: Language Teaching and Learning, Applied Linguistics, Values, and Culture.

The sections of the Journal are:

  • Research Papers: Graduates’ & teachers’ voices – National and international research articles.
  • Updating Language Teaching Professionals: CIEX Symposiums Proceedings.
  • Personal Development and Growth: Moral Values and Culture Essays.


The guidelines for writing and presenting the proposals are described below:

1. Title: in English and in Spanish.

2. Summary (in English and Spanish, 150 words), containing the following aspects:

a) Introduction: This section describes the context where the research was carried out, the reason why the research was carried out, and the importance of the study.

b) Purpose: Here the writer states and explains the research objectives, intentions, questions, or hypothesis.

c) Research method: In this part, the author mentions and justifies the research approach and method that were selected, briefly describes the subjects, the context, and the research procedures, as well as the instruments that were used for the data collection.

d) Results: Here, the writer presents the main findings, the degree to which the research objectives were reached, and the answers to the research questions.

e) Conclusion: This section presents the main conclusions, the importance of the findings, considering the contribution to the theory, the research area, or professional practice, and suggesting practical uses of the results, as well as possible applications for further research.

3. Body of the article:

a) Keywords. Five, in English and Spanish.

b) Introduction: It presents the research topic area, and the research topic, mentioning if it is descriptive, explanatory, evaluative, correlational, interpretative, etc. Also, it emphasizes the research problem.

c) Literature review: It presents the main terms, concepts, theoretical claims or principles, models, etc. analyzing and discussing the ideas presented by the main authors who have studied the topics related to the research or study presented. The references should not be more than 10 years after their publication, except from those classical research works.

d) Research methodology: It describes the research approach: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods.

e) Describe the research method: Case study, phenomenology, action-research, classroom research, longitudinal research, transversal research, experimental research, cause-experimental research, etc.

- Describe the data type (describe and justify the database, universe, or sample, etc.)

- Characterize the subjects (describe the participants in the research).

Context (describe the geographic and institutional context where the research was carried out).

Instruments (describe the research instruments used to collect information and data).

Data analysis (explain the way the data was systematized and analyzed).

f) Main findings. Synthesize, present, interpret, and argue the most significant results found and the proposal, if the case of developing one.

g) Conclusions. Describe the main conclusions generated from the answers to the research questions.

h) Main limitations of the study (related to the geographical or institutional context, or knowledge area and the research process).

i) Main implications and impact of the research. Describe the main benefits of the research and the possible applications of the proposal.

Topics for the articles:

Topics of the articles should be recent and relevant for the academic community and should address one of the following research lines.

    1. Language learning and teaching theories
    2. Language professional competencies
    3. Language teaching approaches and methods
    4. Alternative language learning and teaching theories
    5. Curriculum design: design of language programs
    6. Design, selection, and adaptation of language teaching materials and activities
    7. Language learning evaluation
    8. Language and culture
    9. Human values in language teaching
    10. Personal development and growth in language professionals
    11. Research and professional development
    12. Educational technology in languages


    • Title using Arial font, size 14
    • Text using Arial font, size 12
    • Margins: top 2.5, bottom 2.5, left 2.5, right 2.5.
    • Spaces: 1.5
    • No indented paragraphs

Length of the articles:

    • 8 to 15 pages containing text (from 3000 to 5000 words approximately)
    • Containing 20 to 40 references (using the American Psychological Association APA format)

Languages: The articles can be written in English or Spanish.

The editorial process includes a review by a strict pair of “blind” reviewers and using Plagius software to verify that ethical standards are respected and that there is no plagiarism in any of the documents. Then, authors are advised to verify the submissions including the call elements and format in advance.

The evaluation of submissions starts in the editorial process, which may end in declining submissions if they do not match the call and format requirements. When the editorial board accepts a submission, it continues to the double-blind peer review process for the final evaluation, with the following results:

    A. Accept Submission or Accept Submission with Modifications
    B. Revisions Required or Resubmit for Review
    C. Decline Submission

It is important to mention that if a blind reviewer declines the article or essay, it will not be accepted.

Please upload the articles on the CIEX JOURNAL WEBSITE:

Deadline to send the proposals: July 31st, 2024.

Editor: Hugo Enrique Mayo Castrejón, M.A. -