Critical Discourse: A way of emancipation of the mind


  • Juan de Dios Recio Chávez Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas “Francisco García Salinas”
  • Ramiro Villasana Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas "Francisco García Salinas"
  • Juan Rokyi Reyes Juárez


Critical Reflection, Discourse Analysis, Political Discourse, Racism, Sexism, Reflexión Crítica, Análisis del Discurso, Discurso político, Racismo, Sexismo


Discourse analysis is an interpretative practice and a discipline that, although it arose within linguistics, has become an interdisciplinary academic field. In this sense, this article is focused on the critical reflection of the language and how this can help people in different ways giving empirical evidence that sustains discourse analysis theories. Based on an interdisciplinary dialogue, from a qualitative perspective: Political Discourse, Racism, Sexism and a proposal to make a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), are the topics founded in this text, whose hypotheses arise from the theoretical-practical study of language, analyzing from scientific and empirical evidence the different codes of the language. Finally, we concluded that education is the key to analyze in critical way the actions and intentions form different political actors. 

Key words: Critical Reflection, Discourse Analysis, Political Discourse, Racism, Sexism.


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Author Biography

Juan de Dios Recio Chávez, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas “Francisco García Salinas”

Unidad Académica de Filosofía





How to Cite

Juan de Dios Recio Chávez, J. de D. R. C., Villasana, R., & Juan Rokyi Reyes Juárez , J. R. R. J. (2023). Critical Discourse: A way of emancipation of the mind. CIEX JOURNAL, (17), 41–51. Retrieved from


