Using Self-Study Guides to Enhance in-Classroom Face-to- Face Learning among Mexican University Students
Self-study guides, enhance learning, face-to-face, action researchAbstract
This study was conducted to explore whether self-study guides contributed to the learning of Mexican university students and if this was the case; how they did it. The participants were Mexican university students from the University of Colima in the BA in Language Teaching. Most of them had previously learned with teacher-centered methods; thus, using self-study guides as part of their required independent work was a novel learning practice for them. Research indicates that self-study guides contribute to enhance learning among students; however, researchers wondered if these learning materials had the same impact on the participants of this study who had never taken an active role in their learning in the past. Action research was selected to be implemented in this study. The data collection instruments employed were subjects’ written reflections and interviews. The results showed that self-study guides produce perceived benefits on the participants in some ways, but also some perceived drawbacks.