Braille Reading and Writing as an Innovative Strategy in the English Second Language


  • Angel Tellez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Efrain Castro Secretaría de Educación Pública
  • Benjamin Gutierrez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Braille, blind people, visually impaired students, ELT, inclusive education, personas ciegas, estudiantes con discapacidad visual, Educación inclusiva


The year 2020 left a unique fingerprint in societies. Notably, there was a complete revolution in education and a shift of paradigms such as Emergency Remote Teaching. Globally, schools closed the gates and implemented Emergency remote teaching. According to the World Economic Forum, in 2020, there will be more than 1.2 billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic. However, the barriers and adaptation in education have become evident in several countries, including Mexico. This mix methods research study was a way to analyze the use of Braille as a strategy in the English classroom. The purpose of this study is to comprehend how secondary school students perceive using a Braille converter as a didactic technique to improve their language learning in a virtual learning environment.


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Author Biographies

Angel Tellez, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Angel   Tellez  Tula   is an MA. English teacher at the técnica 61 in a public junior high school at San Martin Texmelucan in the state of Puebla in Mexico. He has ten years of teaching experience ranging from elementary school to University, including teaching English to his indigenous community. He holds a master’s degree in Educational Technology from Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP)and a master’s degree in English teaching from Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP). Other educational experiences include years of studies in Pennsylvania US, the teaching knowledge Test (TKT) at the University of Cambridge, and courses in economics from the Massachuset Institute of Technology.

He has presented on technology, assessment, and pragmatics in Veracruz, Guanajuato, Mexico City, Puebla, Paris, Texas, and Spain. Outside of Mexico, his research has taken him to Spain and Finland. In his research   stay   at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, he presented a national program called “La red de comunidades para la renovación de enseñanza-aprendizaje   en educación   superior (recrea)”. In 2018, he won the Dr. Miguel Alvarez international research from the University of San Antonio, Texas, which is dedicated to the research and education of culturally and linguistically diverse students. In 2019, he obtained his tenure obtaining the first place in his state, Puebla, and his efforts in education were recognized, he has obtained a laudatory note by the Secretary of Public Education of Mexico. He is currently is working on his first historical-fiction novel “The windmill” which participated in an international competition for Radcliffe   Institute for advanced study at Harvard University.

He created the First Virtual Braille Decoding Competition to promote inclusive education in Mexico.

Efrain Castro, Secretaría de Educación Pública

Efraín De Jesus Castro González es Licenciado en Idiomas por la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Ha obtenido un curso de formación en tecnologías para la educación por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Adicionalmente, ha cursado una Certificación para la Enseñanza de Español a Extranjeros (Certificación C1 por T.O.E.F.L. y ELASH). Y finalmente, tiene 7 años de experiencia enseñando inglés en educación básica.

Benjamin Gutierrez, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Benjamín Gutiérrez Gutiérrez tiene la Licenciatura en la Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras, Maestría en Educación Superior y Doctorado en Educación. Es profesor de carrera en la Licenciatura en la Enseñanza del Inglés y en la Maestría en la Enseñanza del Inglés en la Facultad de Lenguas, BUAP; pertenece al núcleo básico del Doctorado en Investigación e Innovación Educativa en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la BUAP. Es miembro del SNI en CONACyT, tiene perfil PROMEP y es parte del padrón de investigadores de la BUAP. Es miembro del programa institucional de evaluación académica (PIEVA) de la BUAP; colabora como miembro del examen de residencias médicas a nivel nacional en la Secretaría de Salud Federal. Es presidente de la Red de Cuerpos Académicos de Lenguas Extranjeras (RECALE) a nivel nacional. Ha participado en publicaciones y proyectos de investigación a nivel nacional e internacional. Es editor en la revista Mexican Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, ha participado como arbitro en la revista Lenguas en Contexto y en la revista IKALA de Colombia. 




How to Cite

Tellez, A., Castro, E., & Gutierrez, B. (2023). Braille Reading and Writing as an Innovative Strategy in the English Second Language. CIEX JOURNAL, 1(16), 9–19. Retrieved from


